viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Urban Legend: The Whiner's Spirit

Several they are the fantastic narrations that it has more than enough the whiner's spirit the old residents of the Araucanian savannas they count. The Whiner transformed into the vagabond spirit of a woman that a boy takes in the haunch, makes allusion to his name because he wanders crying for the roads. He/she says the tradition that the whiner claims of people help to load the boy; when receiving it he/she gets rid of the punishment becoming the whiner the person that has received it. Other versions say that it is the spirit of a woman that killed for jealousies to the mom and it fastened fire to the house with their progenitor inside of, receiving from this, in the moment the curse that condemned her to be in death agony: "You will walk without God and without Santa María, pursuing the men for the roads of the plain". it is said that he/she is never seen the face and he/she cries of shame and regret for that he/she made to their family. The Whiner's spirit, become legend, it has accompanied the man llanero from remote times and of their existence they are witness many old "Don Juanes". Other less believing ones consider that it is a belief contrary to the reason, created by the adults with the objective of to scare or to frighten to the jeans that crossed roads in search of some night romance for the savannas. A piece of roll tobacco in the pocket avoids the whiner's appearance.

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